
1. 'A Few Good Men' (8/10/2017)

Hosts: Bill Simmons, Chris Ryan, Amanda Robbins Note: There were previous movies reviewed, but this is the first official episode of The Rewatchables, and the first with categories that have been used in every subsequent episode. The Categories (All Nominations by Bill unless otherwise notated) 1. Most Rewatchable Scenes The Ending (Bill's pick) The Lunch in Guntanomo Bay Cruise and Bacon having a beer (Chris pick) Nicholson reading Santiago's letter (nominated by Chris) 2. What's Aged The Best? The Ending (Bill's pick) The Drunk Tom Cruise Tirade on Demi Moore The Mess Hall Examination (Amanda's pick) Cruise's Nicholson Impersonation The "Why The Two Orders" On Cross Examination (Chris pick) The Kevin Bacon Jack Ross "Code Red Face" 3. What's Aged The Worst? Token Black Newstand Guy Cruise Melting Down During Jessup Examination Gay Slurs JT Walsh's Farewell Speech Jill Galloway Tom Cruise Rehydrati